Our company was established in 1995. Our main activity is the construction of sports fields, but we also play a key role in both building- and underground construction in Hungary.

With our sports field construction enterprise we strive to gain the trust and ensure the satisfaction of our clients by creating modern sports surfaces which fully meet their business-, financial- and functional expectations. Each year, we develop our machine park, so that we can produce the best quality using state-of-the-art technology. Thanks to continuous innovation we have become a key player among Hungarian sports field construction companies.


In our offer you will find the best natural- and synthetic turfs, whether for sports or other activities.

Our company was established in 1995. Our main activity is the construction of sports fields, but we also play a key role in both building- and underground construction in Hungary.

With our sports field construction enterprise we strive to gain the trust and ensure the satisfaction of our clients by creating modern sports surfaces which fully meet their business-, financial- and functional expectations. Each year, we develop our machine park, so that we can produce the best quality using state-of-the-art technology. Thanks to continuous innovation we have become a key player among Hungarian sports field construction companies.


In addition to the construction of sports fields our company has also grown dynamically in building- and underground construction in Hungary. We consciously strive to continue to grow in this segment, as well, and be recognised as a defining player of Hungarian construction industry. Our pride is the Sándor-Metternich Chateau in Bajna, which was renovated by Pharos’95.


In addition to the construction of sports fields our company has also grown dynamically in building- and underground construction in Hungary. We consciously strive to continue to grow in this segment, as well, and be recognised as a defining player of Hungarian construction industry. Our pride is the Sándor-Metternich Chateau in Bajna, which was renovated by Pharos’95.

Quality is the key ingredient of our success.

Each of our projects is also a reference for our company. We are committed to serving every client, by getting to know their needs thoroughly and continually perfecting our services and skills to satisfy those.


Nálunk a szaktudás a legnagyobb érték. Ezért hosszú évek óta ügyelünk humán erőforrásunk precíz kiválasztására és fejlesztésére. Mára már büszkén mutathatunk be egy rendkívül komplex portfolióval rendelkező csapatot, akik mindennapi munkánkat a hátterből teszik lehetővé.

Végh Gábor

Ügyvezető – Tulajdonos


Végh-Kajtár Erika

Ügyvezető – Tulajdonos


Molnár Gabriella

Pályázati koordinátor


Nagy Benedek

Műszaki Menedzser


Barabás Emőke




Jeremi József

Projekt Előkészítő Menedzser


Borsné Jakab Márta Andrea



Tóth Bettina

Pénzügyi Vezető


Hisszük hogy a siker csak megbízható partnerekkel érhető el.
Köszönjük, hogy a múltban és reméljük a jövőben is támaszkodhatunk rájuk.

Greta Kft  |  Cipi Bt  |  Juta AS

Hisszük hogy a siker csak megbízható partnerekkel érhető el.
Köszönjük, hogy a múltban és reméljük a jövőben is támaszkodhatunk rájuk.

Greta Kft  |  Cipi Bt  |  Juta AS